
ファイルreally_awesome_console_application.exeが与えられ、 ユーザ名John Smithのライセンスキーを求められた。

really_awesome_console_application.exeGhidraで逆コンパイルすると、 entry関数からFUN_00401220関数が以下のようにmain関数っぽい形で呼び出されていた。

A file really_awesome_console_application.exe wag given and asked for the license key for the username John Smith.

I decompiled really_awesome_console_application.exe via Ghidra. I found that the function FUN_00401220 is called from the function entry like how the function main should be called like this:

uVar9 = _get_initial_narrow_environment(); puVar10 = (undefined4 *)__p___argv(); uVar2 = *puVar10; puVar10 = (undefined4 *)__p___argc(); unaff_ESI = FUN_00401220(*puVar10,uVar2,uVar9);

FUN_00401220関数の中身は以下のようになっており、 local_48にファイル名を構築した後、何らかの処理を行い、 local_48を引数としてsystem関数とremove関数を呼び出していた。

Here is the function FUN_00401220:


This program first constructs a file name on local_48. Then, after doing some process, it calls the functions system and remove with local_48 as the arguments.




Seeing this, I made following modifications to the executable file to observe what is passed to the system function.

The aim of this modifications is having it to print the path stored in local_48, but it resulted in Segmentation Fault.
I ran this modified program on GDB and examined what is on the stack on Segmentation Fault to find the path.

As a result, I found another executable file on where the path points at.
Decompiling with Ghidra, I found the function FUN_004010e0 should corresponds to the main function.


実行してみると、your name と License key の入力を求められた。
GDB上で実行してみると、Unauthorized software detected! と出力されて実行が終了した。

具体的には、Ghidra上の表示で0x401239、ファイル中の位置で0x639からeb fe (同じ命令に飛ぶjmp) を書き込んだ。

実行し、your name に指定のJohn Smithを入れ、License key は適当に入力した。

This function reads some input, does some processing, and compares the generated data with the entered data.
When I executed the program, I was asked to enter "your name" and "License key".
When I executed the program on GDB, it printed "Unauthorized software detected!" and the execution ended.

I decided to stop the execution just before the comparision by modifying the program and attach GDB after that.
I put eb fe (jmp instruction to jump to the same instruction) from 0x401239 on Ghidra (0x639 in the file).

I executed the modified program, put John Smith as specified to "your name", and entered some random string for "License key".
I attached GDB after the program stopped. Then I obtained the flag by adding ractf{} to the value I found on the stack.

GDBの操作結果 Commands and their responses on GDB

RACTF 2021